Did you know Uber has a VIP loyalty program?


Turns out that Uber has a loyalty program for some of its regular customers, but only in select cities. Despite being around a few years, it has gone mostly unnoticed aside from errant tweets and personal blogs, because the company never officially announced it.

Individual Uber market managers decide whether or not to introduce it to their area. San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago aren’t on that list, which perhaps explains why no tech blogs have written about the product. New York City, Washington D.C., and Denver are some of the cities that do offer a VIP feature. Since it’s a local initiative, Uber didn’t have a readily available list of all the VIP markets.

Below is an example of the email users receive when a market launches. Hat tip to my Twitter follower Tom Maxwell for noticing Uber just rolled it out in Denver.

Uber's intro email for its VIP program in Denver Uber’s intro email for its VIP program in Denver

Here’s how it works. If…

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